Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
VPS - Vendor Payment Status
Vendor ID is a unique number which is automatically created when a vendor is registered in Public Accounting System.
System generated Purchase Orders (PO) issued by government agencies would bear the vendor’s ID (Refer to sample PO below).
To get vendor ID of Non-PO related invoices, please fill Vendor Maintenance Form’s email field and send a request to [email protected]. Email address would be updated in master records and Vendor ID would be sent to the email given.

To get vendor ID of Non-PO related invoices, please fill Vendor Maintenance Form’s email field and send a request to [email protected]. Email address would be updated in master records and Vendor ID would be sent to the email given.
Yes, you would be able to check status of 10 Invoices at a time. Enter invoices separated by comma but without giving a space.
Please check if you have entered the invoice number correctly. If invoice number is correct and if you still get the message, please contact the relevant government agency.
When an invoice is in ‘Parked’ status, it means the invoice is entered but not yet authorized by the relevant agency.
When an invoice is in ‘Posted’ status, it means the invoice is entered and authorized by the relevant agency.
When an invoice is in ‘Cleared’ status, it means payment has been processed.
When an invoice is in ‘Reversed’ status, it means the invoice has been cancelled. To find out the reason, please contact the respective agency.
When an invoice is in ‘Blocked’ status, it means the invoice has been blocked for payment. Documents are blocked due to inadequate documentation or incorrect entries.
The amount would get credited within 2 working days.
VPO - Vendor Purchase Order
Purchase Orders issued by Male’ based agencies (including government agencies based in Villingili and Hulhumale) would have a system generated PO number on the PO form.
The purpose of verifying a PO is to ensure that the PO has been generated using Public Accounting Software, and this in turn guarantees that there would not be any budget related issues later on.